Monday, October 1, 2018

Day 10: A Stressful Time of Year

     So we made it. The first month and a half have gone by and for many of us that means a bit of breathing room before the holiday season begins. By now classroom expectations have been decided and the first few tests have came and went. Students and teachers are now in the swing of things and the school year is looking pretty good.
    As we move forward into the more hectic time of year, it is important to remember to stay positive and give praise to the little things that students do each and everyday. That is why I would like to start a Positive Notes Jar, in as many classrooms as we can. A Positive Notes Jar, for me is a place for students to share positive interactions they have seen around the school and presents those individuals with either a reward or recognition for those acts.
    This simple and effective way of supporting classroom culture can be done in many different ways, but is sure to have a positive impact and bring a little bit of light to the upcoming darker days (Where did the sunshine go). All you need is a jar or a box and some slips of papers for students to fill out with what positive acts they are seeing around the school. For a more localized Positive Notes Jar, you can use marbles or pom poms and simply keep track of when your class does something positive.
 So come on and lets bring a little positiveness to this stressful time of year 

Image result for kindness jar

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