Sunday, November 4, 2018

Day 18: What do You Mean a Difficult Student is Challenging

     Working with difficult students can be challenging. Finding ways to entice and excite a student that wants nothing to do with school can feel like an insurmountable task. They sit and brood and do everything within their power to derail the classroom, even when the rest of the class is engaged and interested in what is going on. That being said, great teachers are known for doing the impossible and chipping away at even the most difficult students hard and standoffish exteriors. So today's blog is about you, the great teachers. In the comments below please tell me how you engage the unengageable. How you not only lead that stubborn pony to water, but actually make it drink (and remember you can't hold its head underwater). Whether it's through exciting activities, such as the line game I mentioned in a previous post or through getting to know the student, how is it that you make them excited about learning and life.

Image result for not engaged student

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